queerly reclaiming the holidays…

Credit for the inspiration behind this post goes to my friend and unofficial ‘Kicked Out’ fan club president Kelli Dunham who commented on my facebook suggesting I make a blog post about reclaiming holidays and saying “You are an expert on that. Beyond an expert. You’ve made it a damn art form.” I don’t know about …

what the camera sees

On Tuesday Kestryl and I spent the day with our good friend and incredible photographer Syd London with the focus of getting new publicity photos for our separate work as well as our joint PoMo Freakshow projects. My individual photos are coming soon – the weather was less than optimal that day and so we …

north carolina

I’m 30,000 feet up in the air somewhere between North Carolina and New York City, thinking about all the incredible experiences I just had in the South: the people I met, the events I was able to be part of over the last four days, and the communities I saw and was able to participate in. …

Kicked Out named a Lambda Literary Award Finalist!

I woke up this morning to the most excellent news that Kicked Out has been named a finalist in the 23rd annual Lambda Literary Awards !!!! I’ve already emailed all the contributors to share the news with them, and am sitting here stunned, thrilled, and incredibly honored that Kicked Out has received this kind of recognition. …

city of roses

I’ve been back in Brooklyn for just over 24 hours now, and my head is still spinning with all the incredible memories and moments connected to the Troubled Teen Tour. On Saturday night co-sponsored by SMYRC and Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls several Kicked Out contributors and I officially released the book in Portland …

Troubled Teen Tour heading to Portland!

Freaks, geeks, outcasts, queers, and anyone else who didn’t fit in will finally feel included at PoMo Freakshow’s ‘Troubled Teen Tour.’ Featuring former ‘troubled teens’ Kestryl Cael and Sassafras Lowrey, the Troubled Teen Tour offers performances, readings and workshops that explore how our country fails teens who do not conform. I’m so excited that our  ‘Troubled Teen Tour’ to Portland Oregon is …

great review of kicked out in edge los angeles

Edge Los Angeles just published a great review of Kicked Out! “Finally, especially now that the American Library Association has taken notice, kicked-out queer kids can find the guidebook that Sassafras herself wished she’d had. With Kicked Out, Sassafras Lowrey has put together a gritty manifesto of hope that has been all too absent in …

mention in the GLBTRT Newsletter!

the GLBTRT Newsletter which is a publication of the Gay, lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association’s  Winter newsletter has been released and there is a wonderful article titled ‘Kid Stuff: About young readers for people who care” that mentions Kicked Out!  The article says” “When adding titles to the purchasing list, …