SAVE The Last Non-Profit Feminist Bookstore in the States!

One of the first places I got my start as a writer was at ‘In Other Words’ books in Portland Oregon.  They were an important site of community to me as I was coming out as queer and discovering feminism.  In 2004 they honored me as one of that years top emerging writers.  Later, I spent two years running a monthly open-mic zine read called ‘the last word.’ To me they are an essential part of what Portland *is* but their value extends beyond that city of bridges.  In Other Words is the last remaining non-profit feminist bookstore in the United States, and now we are at risk of loosing them.

Below is their plea for help:

Dear friends,

In Other Words, like so many of our fellow bookstores, has fallen upon incredibly hard financial times. With the decline in our current economy, we have experienced severely decreased revenue. If we are unable to raise $11,000 by the end of December, In Other Words will have to close its doors.

We desperately need your help. We are confident that if everyone who cares about In Other Words makes a contribution, large or small, we will meet our goal. Please give as generously as you can to save the last remaining non-profit, feminist bookstore in the country: the place where so many Portland artists, activists, organizers, readers, writers, political thinkers, musicians and poets find their voice, their power, their community, and their political home.

Our community cannot afford to lose In Other Words, please help us save her!

You can make your tax-deductible donations by clicking the link at , or by stopping into the store.

Please forward this widely to your community, we need all the help we can get!

Sincerely, The Board, Staff and Volunteers of In Other Words

Be the Revolution this Holiday Season! Gift Giving that Gives Back to your community