National Release of Kicked Out at Creating Change!

Hi everyone, I’m all packed and in just a few hours will be flying to Dallas Texas for the National Release of Kicked Out which will be part of the 22nd Annual Creating Change Conference produced by The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, whose groundbreaking report on LGBTQ youth homelessness is excerpted inside the Kicked Out anthology!

If you’re at Creating Change the Kicked Out National Release reading will be Friday night at 6:30pm (not sure of the room number yet).  Because I’m superstitious (and airlines charge so much money for heavy bags- and books are not light) I’ve got my carryon packed full of some of the first copies of Kicked Out!

I’ve only attended Creating Change one time before this, when I was a youth less than a year after being kicked out the final time, to be returning to such a monumental conference to debut a book like this that puts the voices and experiences of homeless LGBTQ youth to the forefront is such an honor.
If you aren’t at Creating Change I’m going to be twittering live from the conference on my twitter @ sassafraslowrey

to learn more about Kicked Out visit