April (slightly belated) :


Is it already May?! I completely failed at writing and posting my April blog oops!!!!! Well, better late than never I suppose. April was amazing and super busy. 

The month started with an AMAZING trip to New Orleans to attend and present at the Saints & Sinners Queer Literary Conference where I was on a panel about the future of queerness WITH Dorothy Allison who is basically my femme hero, moderated a panel on writing as activism and read from Lost Boi.  I also got to attend a bunch of interesting workshops – including a master class with Dorothy Allison.


I don’t really enjoy conferences in general – I think I’m too much of an introvert for them, but Saints & Sinners is one that I make an exception for! This was my second time going and while I would love to see the conference be able to continue to grow and diversity the conference attendees it is really the only place where you can sit in a room full of LGBTQ authors and talk craft and identity. I live tweeted most of the conference and you can check out my experiences of panels and workshop on Twitter under the hashtag #SAS16

I feel like I left this years conference really inspired to keep thinking about what kinds of stories I’m most interested in telling and how I can make that happen.

Check out this cute picture of us together!!!

I also got some fun vacation time in New Orleans after the conference with my partner. We stayed In12472462_10208093861560467_4486906060727132742_n a super cute hotel with a tiny balcony in a grapefruit tree! During the conference I tried to write out there just because it felt so Romantic – alas I just write my best on the subway here in NYC but it was beautiful. We did a lot of tourist sight seeing kinds of things-cemetery tour, ghost tour (yes I really saw a ghost)  on a swamp tour where we got to see the bayou  which is an ecosystem unlike anything I’ve ever seem! For sure a highlight of that for me was getting to see a real live g12932849_10208109132782238_3261197921258635831_nator!  Did you know they eat marshmallows?! It was like seeing a living dinosaur! It wasn’t until I looked back at my photos that I realized just how big that gator was too! New Orleans was Definitely the 10422319_10208109133142247_4022938896028925336_nkind of vacation fun I was in need of to rejuvenate a little from the stress of my muggle job. Also, we went to this SUPER creepy park13062364_10208248263940430_8261810606439241340_n called “Storybook Land” that was recommended by a fellow queer leather person and OMG SO CREEPY!!! Totally the kind of place that nightmares are born aka i LOVED it!

I ended April with a long-weekend self imposed staycation writing retreat. It was really productive and I was able to finish writing the first draft of the queer, leather christmas novella that I’ve been playing around with for the past few months. I got the first draft finished and now getting to do my favorite thing – edit/revise! This first edit I’m working on now is really about insuring consistency. I made a little table for myself to track names/pronouns/pets/flagging – y’know the literary priorities, at least for me. This was a fun little project – not sure where it will live yet, stay tuned!

Alas I kinda gave up on my Neko Atsume cats  but I have  been  keeping up with my Goodreads reading challenge of finishing a book a week! My favorite book I read in April  actually kept me company on the flights to/from New Orleans and is Meliza Banales’ “Life Is Wonderful People Are Terrific” this book is a finalist for the Lammys this year and is super rad on so many levels – definitely suggest everyone check it out!   In random pop culture news – Did I already mention how good Zootopia was? Seriously, if you haven’t seen that movie you should!!! I also really enjoyed The Jungle Book – it was visually stunning, and also REALLY scary! I actually jumped and shrieked at one point in the movie! I’m of course a sucker for all things Disney but these two are definitely stand out films that I recommend.

I’m getting SOOOOOOOOOO excited about the Lambda Literary Awards. I’ve got my fancy dress all picked out! The awards are the highlight of my literary year – the chance to be in the same room with so many incredible queer authors is pretty dreamy, and it’s overwhelming and thrilling to have Lost Boi as a finalist this year alongside so many super fabulous queer books! Last week I get to join some of the awesome local to NYC Lammy  finalists for a reading at the Leslie Lohan Museum


Besides working on my novella, I’ve been keeping busy writing pieces for Curve Magazine and Dogster! I will have more articles in both of those publications coming in May including fun dog13055449_10208197229944612_4060127616261139176_nproduct reviews, and my take on trending topics in canine news! Want to stay updated on What I’m writing ? Follow me on Twitter /Facebook – I try to always share things out there plus a whole lot of pictures of my furry kiddos, and photos from  little adventures I go on which this spring has involved lots of trips to see cherry blossoms and my local zoo!

