It’s October! This year of course for all of us has just been one strange experience after another. 2020 is not the year any of us thought that we would be having — and yet here we are. I am as always very active on my social media pages – facebook, twitter, instagram so if you want the most updated information about what I’m up to please follow me there!

This has been a fun and busy time for me. I’ve been doing a lot of writing for magazines and publications like the AKC, Dogster, and WIRED about sharing our lives with dogs – and how to live better lives with our dogs! My dog Sirius continues to be far more popular on Instagram than I am lol and now has her own merch shop!

Gertrude Press Interview I had the opportunity to interview with the Gertrude Press Literary Podcast talking about my writing life during the pandemic and my love and commitment to small press publishing. You can check out the podcast here!


Dog Training – I am of course continuing my work supporting people to have better relationships with their dogs. I have now become an AKC CGC Evaluator – which allows me to evaluate CGC (canine good citizen) titles, but most exciting for me AKC Trick Dog Titles! I have been Certified to observe trick dog titles for DMWYD since 2013 and have helped literally hundreds of people to earn trick titles with their dogs. I love that now I’m able to expand this work, and support people achieving other trick goals with their dogs! If you are interested in learning more about trick dog titles please visit my fun training group on Facebook  and check out my YouTube  which I have been working relaly hard at growing — In fact my dog Sirius and I are uploading a video every single day in October!

My coloring book Pandemic Pets is now available! I had so much fun putting this coloring book together and I’m thrilled  that people are enjoying it! If you have gotten a copy please feel free to tag me in any pictures you color on facebook/twitter/instagram!

Don’t forget that my activity book Chew This Journal will be releasing December 1st and is available for pre-order now! It’s what every puppy is wanting to find under the tree this year!