Available Wherever Books Are Sold!

2020 has been a very strange year to release a book! As you know if you follow my social media pages the release of Chew This Journal was……. less than ideal. Not only did the book’s release have to get pushed back from the planned July release because of the pandemic it was then moved back an extra two weeks from December 1st to December 15th because

of delays the publisher hadn’t anticipated with the printer! Then on the 15th there were additional unexpected delays as distributors/warehouses were getting the book to bookstores. Needless to say this was NOT the book release I had dreamed of, but it’s here now!!!  Chew This Journal is now officially available wherever books are sold! I hope that you and your pups enjoy all of the activities, crafts, projects, and training games as much as I enjoyed putting it together! Looking for fun things to do at home with your dog over Christmas vacation and/or to jumpstart your new year? Chew This Journal with it’s full color design and illustration is not only adorable and interactive but it’s 200+ pages of fun for you and your dog! 

p.s. Sirius wants you to know this fancy hardcover is nice and drool resistant!