return to blogging

I know it looks like I’ve given up on blogging. It would be a fair assumption, something about the months since my website has had anything more than press-release kinds of sound bites and announcements about readings or publications ; ) !   It’s not that I’ve gotten bored with blogging or forgotten about it, …

Queer Memoir: LEATHER

I’m still flying just a little bit from the magic that was Queer Memoir: LEATHER last weekend here in NYC. I’ve organized a lot of events and each holds a special place in my heart but there was something truly extraordinary for me about this particular event. I realized in the days leading up to …

Salacious: Leather

So excited to announce that I have two pieces appearing in the upcoming Leather themed issue of Salacious: a queer feminist sex magazine!  It’s an incredible community based publication and I’m really honored to have my work alongside so many other great writers and artists.     

what the camera sees

On Tuesday Kestryl and I spent the day with our good friend and incredible photographer Syd London with the focus of getting new publicity photos for our separate work as well as our joint PoMo Freakshow projects. My individual photos are coming soon – the weather was less than optimal that day and so we …

Happy New Year w/ PoMo Freakshow

Per usual  we stayed home with pizza and some video games for New Years Eve and watched the Grand Army Plaza midnight fireworks from the livingroom windows of Heart’s Thicket AKA PoMo Freakshow headquarters.  However, for  New Years Day we made a big splash (literally!).  Kestryl and I  joined some other fabulous Brooklyn queer folks …