CeCe McDonald and Kicked Out!!!

Yesterday I had the amazing surprise opportunity to meet CeCe McDonald!! It was a tremendous honor to have the chance to meet her, and then something truly unexpected happened.  Jac Gares  the filmmaker who is working with Laverne Cox and CeCe McDonald on their upcoming documentary just so happens to be the filmmaker who I worked …

Huffington Post!

For the past couple of months I’ve been writing a weekly column over at Dogster. The content of the column is mostly little stories about life with my dogs interspersed with training advice . This past week though I focused on my oldest dog Mercury and our experience of coming together shortly after I had been …

exciting policy news for LGBTQ homeless youth

This week has been pretty exciting on the policy front for LGBTQ homeless youth. Re. Gwen Moore (D-Wis) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis)- who is one of  six openly gay members of the US House, have have introduced a beill into the House to support LGBTQ homeless youth!   The bill hopes to amend the …


It’s been quite a weekend!  As I reminded folks on Facebook and Twitter this weekend,  for many queers, Mother’s Day is filled with lots of pain and longing and anger and fear and just about any other emotion far from happiness you can come up with. It’s a tricky time for many queer folks and …

February 17th – Roving Pack & Kicked Out reading

One of the first things that stands out to people about Kicked Out are the hauntingly gorgeous photographs by Samantha Box that are scattered through the anthology. Sam is based in NYC and has continued to photograph LGBTQ homeless youth building a body of work she calls the “Invisible Project.”  I am thrilled to announce that she and …

11 years.

I’m sick on my couch with a fever trying to beat this nasty bug that has laid me flat for most of the weekend. I debated if I would write this blog post at all, but I can’t allow myself to let today pass without mentioning what it means to me, especially as outside a …

with <3 to the Kicked Out family on what can be a very hard day

I want to put a special message for the current and former homeless LGBTQ youth reading this and struggling today, it’s the same message I’ve sent out before on holidays that are all about “family” You are not alone. Let me repeat that again. You are not alone. If you are in the states you …